Friday, January 27, 2012

Sen. Barack Hussein Obama or Dumbo the cartoon elephant?

who has bigger ears?
Sen. Barack Hussein Obama or Dumbo the cartoon elephant?
You like Rush Limbaugh?
Reply:As long as there is a (D) in front of the nominee----better off we shall be.
Reply:Another ignorant pig. Unbelievable. Did your parents teach you how to become ignorant or were you born that way? Did your mom marry her brother and you are the result?
Reply:Speaking as a real conservative... grow up. There is no need for stupid remarks like this.
Reply:heck elect him.. he'll be shot in about 10 minutes anyhow by some nuttso group.. so he's go my vote
Reply:Does your head hurt from thinking so hard on this gem?
Reply:A question that truly shows your intellectual capability.
Reply:I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I agree with Turboweegie.
Reply:Wow, you've got a really convincing argument there Sparky!
Reply:Let me ask my 6 year old nephew - this is about his speed.
Reply:Seriously, exactly how much maturity and brain power did it take to ask this question?
Reply:Dude, lay off the brother, ok?

This is the dumbest question I've seen you ask, by far.
Reply:If his ears are the best thing you have to use against him, then he will win in a landslide. And I hope you'll leave MY country!

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