Monday, January 30, 2012

Help me decide?

See, i have this problem with my halloween costume. My friends say that i should go as an elephant without its head, and has ears growing from it's back side. But i think i should go as a missing sign... see, i could walk around with this piece of paper stuck to me that says "Missing" and i could ask people where i am and if they find me, to tell me not to move so i can find myself... but i don't know... the missing sign is cool... please help me decide.
Help me decide?
I like the missing sign.
Reply:I like the missing sign idea. Sounds more creative and will get less confusing comments from people and more "Oh! That's so great!" comments. Headless elephant with ears on its rear? Dumb and dorky, and self deprecating. Not even funny. Too one-liner.
Reply:I like the missing sign idea. It's very unique.
Reply:missing sign
Reply:get some toliet paper and wrap yourself uplike a mummuy.
Reply:i like the missing sign idea good luck. God bless
Reply:missing, definitely missing
my horses

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