Friday, February 3, 2012

Can you write a story about being in a mental institution with the following phrases?

Pick at least 7 of the following.

Have fun!!! :)

1. I can’t help it, I just get hungry

2. That’s my dog! You idiot!

3. Your metal capacity is simply amazing!

4. That’s just Tom, he has issues

5. No elephants allowed in my room

6. “The hills are alive with the sound of music”

7. Oh! I want to! I want to PLEASE!

8. Let go of my ear!!!

9. Please hide me! My wife is coming to visit!

10. Can it get any worse than this?
Can you write a story about being in a mental institution with the following phrases?
As I am walking into this strange building, for the first time i think to myself "can it get any worse than this?" I cant believe that my first job out of nursing school is going to be at an mental institution. But by now, im going broke, and my parents are tired of supporting me, so what choice do I have? I walk up to the first man I see (big mistake) and ask he if he could tell me where the DIrector's office is. he turns to me and says "The hills are alive with the sound of music!". I am completly horrified, because by now everyone in the reception area is staring at me. Thank goodness a guy comes over and leads this crazy man away by the shoulders, as I try and catch my breath preparing for what may happen next. The guy returns shortyly and ask my name. "Terry..Terry Burns." I reply. He says "nice to meet you Terry, Im MIke, and that was just Tom..he has issues.." I laugh it off, trying to hide my embrassment, as I follow Mike to the director's office.

"No Elephants Allowed In My Room!!!" i hear someone yell, as i walk down the corrodor, im wondering what the hell i got myself into. We finally reach the directors office and he of coarse is busy, so i take a seat. Mike kindly ecscorts his self out of the room, to go and handle some crazy person who is running down the hall, screaming "Please hide me! My wife is coming to visit". I am so rethinking this position. I mean whats food anyway? do i really need to eat and live in an apartment?

Finally the director comes out of his office and greets me with a smile. He asks me to come into his office to fill out some paperwork. As i enter his office I look around and I am amazed at how clean and organized it is. Big difference from the way the outside of the building looks. He extends his hand and tells me to have a seat, offers me coffee and the excuses hisself to see what the disturbance is down the hall, as i wait for him to come back i notice a book on his desk entitled "your mental capacity is simply amazing". I wonder what this book is about. I am in deep thought as a man sneeks up behind me and grabs my ear! I get up and yell to him "Let go of my ear!!!" I push him off of me and run from the room and this scary digusting building, never to return. Maybe i can work for my uncle at his car garage, anything has got to be better than this!!
Reply:1: I eat no matter what time of day it is.

2: He will always lift a leg for a visitor.

3: Have you seen the light of day lately.

4: With every one.

5: Because they break my bed.

6: From the birds and trees.

7: Everybody all of the time and don't care about pleasing myself.

8: And into my mouth, it tastes good.

9: I don't like to speak to her on the phone nor, do I want to see her, she is not nice to me.

10: Never any toilet paper in my room.
Reply:ok...... i'll try to post a little something. i've been writing all day so i don't know how good it'll be........ but i'll try a little something

can you hold to tomorrow? please?

DON'T CLOSE! i'll have this crap story POSTED TODAY!!

Thanks!!!! Dont...........................close it! lol
Reply:We were not sure if the suspect was pretending to be insane or not. So, I volunteered to be placed in the mental institution with him for a close monitoring. I was lucky enough to share the same room with him. He was suspected to be the Manhattan serial killer. And had been acting insane since he was picked up.

"Here, is your bedspace, Mr. Jones, Tom Ling shares this same room space with you. Hope you guys can get along. You do share quite em...a lot in common." Said the nurse as she led me into the hospital ward. She was a beautiful, willowy blond who sent my heart racing with every smile of hers that lighted up the room.

"That’s my dog! You idiot!" screamed Tom as I made to sit on my bed. And with that cry he seized the bedsheet and pulled it away like the demented person he appeared to be.

"That’s just Tom, he has issues of his own just like you." explained the nurse as she gently tugged the bedsheets away from him. "Tom you must learn to live with Jones. He may likely be here for a long while."

"No elephants allowed in my room," said Tom looking at me strangely.

"I am not an elephant," I said to him. "Would you like to play hide and seek?" I asked him.

"Oh! I want to! I want to PLEASE!" he said brightly "I would hide and you seek. Do not look under the bed though!"

"Your metal capacity is simply amazing!" said the nurse and she let out a loud guffaw. "You have given away your hiding place."

"I have?" asked Tom looking surprised. "You hide me then, nurse. Please hide me! My wife is coming to visit!" he cried.

"You are not married, Mr Ling." said the nurse in surprise

"I can’t help it, I just get hungry for a wifey. I am so lonesome here. Would you marry me?" asked Tom

"Can it get any worse than this??" The nurse asked turning to stare at me.

"You can marry me instead," I said "I can make you a wedding ring now." And I showed her a piece of copper wire.
Reply:"Hear ye, hear ye! The meeting of the order of the eccentric duck is now in session! We will go around the room and introduce ourselves for the benefit of new members!"

I mean, can it get any worse than this? I checked myself into Shadybrook institution two months ago for the sole purpose of avoiding a police investigation and now I"m in charge of the order of the eccentric duck! I mean, I wanted full fledge crazy people! Whack jobs! Not eccentrics!

"Quack! My name is Ernie Harraway and I am self institutionalized. My invisible friend and I have not gotten along in recent weeks and both of us thought we may need counseling paid for by the state. So here I sit, and this is Tom, my friend, to my left. Please to meet you! Quack!"

The next man stood. "Quack! My name is Denny Byrd and I'm here serving a two year sentence for assault with a deadly sausage. I was sleeping with my neighbor when her husband came home and caught us in the act. My neighbor had always kept a keelbasa on the night stand for a post coital snack, so I used it to flatten her husband and run to freedom. I forgot my pants however, so the cops had no trouble labeling me as the 'keelbasa bandit.' I'm pleased to meet you! Quack!"

This went on for an hour, everyone standing and sharing all their embarassing personal details. Meetings of the order of the eccentric duck could literally go on for half a day. But what else was there to do in an institution? True, being self committed I was free to leave, but I would likely be in jail within a month of doing so, therefore it was quack on brother!

The last man, a newcomer stood.

"Quack! I'm Chubby Checker, and I like to nibble on ear lobes. I can't help it. I just get hungry, and there is nothing like the candy sweet taste of an ear lobe. And- HEY! Let go of my ear! Ahhhh! Aaahhhh-

"We have a genuine crazy in here!" Ernie yelled. "Move for immediate removal!"

"Seconded!" yelled Charlie Finkel.

"Very well," I sighed. "Chubby Checker, you are hereby removed from the eccentric order of the duck. Please turn in your tail feathers and report to the severely paranoid and delusional order of the wildebeast. Chuck Sweeney will enroll you."

"Aaaaaahhhhh-" was Chubby's Checker's long winded reply. I could see he was going to be difficult, so I needed to get a handle on this.

"Orderly!" I screamed. A huge slab of beef in a white uniform appeared. "We have a whacko interrupting our meeting!"

The orderly sighed and approached Chubby Checker. For his part, Mr. Checker began screaming louder.

Out of the blue, a book flew across the room and slammed itself into Mr. Checker's head, dropping him like a stone. All eyes turned to Ernie who was innocently running his finger's through his hair.

"What?" He asked?

"Was that necessary?" The orderly asked.

"That wasn't me. That's just Tom, he as issues."

"Ernie. There is no Tom. He's your invisible friend remember?"

"Oh he's quite real to me," Ernie replied, as if that explained anything at all.

But it worked. The orderly gave a nod and slung the groaning form of Chubby Checker over his shoulder. They disappeared down the hallway and peace reigned once more.

"So what's the first order of business?" I asked, knowing but following protocol nonetheless.

"Ooooh!" Dewey George yelled, waving his arm. "Please hide me! My wife is coming to visit!"

"Dewey," I replied following the unwritten script. "Your wife ran off with Rosie O'donnel. You know that."

"But she could come!"

"Okay Dewey," I said. "Go hide."

And off he went. For the next two hours of the meeting, he could be seen crawling under tables and diving behind couches in the common room. And so the meeting of the ecentric order of the duck rolled on.

Denny made a motion to outlaw Keelbasa from all future meetings. There had never been Keelbasa in any past meetings, so the motion was tabled until the issue actually arose. Billy White handed out "refreshments" that consisted of pill cubs filled with water fountain water and cookie pieces from yesterday's lunch. Roger Donahue gave a heartfelt broadway rendition of "The Hills are alive with the Sound of Music" while wearing a nun's habit. And all the while I ruled on motions, quacked myself horse, and generally wished myself anywhere but here at this point in my life.

Finally, four and a half hours later, we adjourned. These meetings could mentally drain you, so I shuffled down the hall intent on taking a little siesta in my drab room. Along the way, I passed Dicky Fogler and accidentally bumped into the rock he was taking for a walk.

"That's my dog! You idiot!" He hissed.

"Sorry Dicky. Didn't see Rover was with you."

FInally, I made it to the refuge of my room. With a weary sigh, I settled myself on to the uncomfortable metal bed and turned to face the window.

"Jervis," I whispered. "I have got to get out of here."

The purple brontosaurus gaving me a knowing nod through the sanitarium glass.........
Reply:Yes YOU can write a story with at least of those phrases. Its quite easy if you try. You should be doing your own homework nt asking other people to do it for you.

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